Friday, January 4, 2008

Tax return, hoorah!

I was shuffling some cookbooks around this morning when I found a few important envelopes under the Stephanie Alexander. So that's where my tax return was! It's clear that we need to institute a better mail delivery system in this house, but I'm chuffed rather than annoyed, since now I have enough money to live until the next paycheck comes in. Ah, pay-as-you-go withholding. I'll never curse your name again.

The best thing about a chunk of money is the possibilities it offers. I know that this chunk will just be spent on prosaic things like rent, food, and electricity, but isn't it nice to imagine buying something ludicrous? I could get a new (second-hand) laptop. I could go on a short holiday. I could help finance another edition of the magazine, since we've been a bit slack about sourcing advertising...

I can daydream about ridiculously lavish things, because I'm lucky enough that a lot of my immediate needs and desires have been met recently. I have a bicycle being built for me at the moment at the bike shed (thank you, Channukah!). I have a very cool MP3 player (thank you, sisters who got tired of having such a Luddite for a relative!). The MP3 player is particularly gratifying, as I'm starting to listen to a lot of music that I haven't really been able to get into so far. It's blindingly obvious to anyone not living five years in the past that portable music thingies give you better sound clarity than a crappy old CD player, isn't it? And yet I'm just only now having the revelation for myself.

Maybe I'll post a few album reviews when I get around to writing something worthwhile, but now I'm going to pay a few bills (blah) and cash my return, and then fantasize about the extravagantly wonderful things I could do with that money were it not going to be chewed up by utilities. An Akira Isogawa gown? Dinner for my friends at the Flower Drum? A lifetime supply of gin? Feel free to add your own suggestions.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, what kind of MP3 player did you get? I couldn't live without mine. The latitude it gives you to explore and appreciate music is just unrivalled. I don't know how I'd survive without the ability to carry 200 albums around in my pocket. What music have you been listening to?

Also, on a serious note, how much do you think a lifetime supply of gin would actually cost, allowing for a moderate gin-drinking lifestyle, and a moderate lifespan?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the tonic and lemon to go with it!

Pusia said...

..........a ticket back to Australia for a best friend?

(My financial consultant gives the thumbs up to that.)