Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wax on, wax off...

You know how little kids barely have eyebrows, just soft adorable fluff perched above their eyes? Yeah, that wasn't me. People always used to describe me as striking - "She's such a striking child!" Partly, it's true, that was the pale, pale skin, big eyes, skinny arms and legs, charmingly crooked teeth (now rigorously orthodox, thanks to years of braces), and masses of dark hair, but I've always suspected it was the dark, full brows framing my five-year-old eyes. You can hardly call a child "adorable" when they look like Groucho Marx.

Anyway, I was always self-conscious about my eyebrows, and the first time I had them waxed was a revelation. Suddenly there were two of them - two distinct eyebrows - each thick and sloping like a stroke of follicular calligraphy. I felt old-school glamourous, rather than Old World peasant girl. And ever since then, getting my eyebrows "done" has been a luxury, a very particular craving that I indulge when I want to feel slightly more elegant than usual.

Of course, it's a risky proposition, the eyebrows. Get it wrong - or get the wrong beautician - and you look startled for weeks. I'm looking slightly startled today because the new girl at my salon dumped a whole lot of wax above my eyebrows. What the hell? I thought it was universally acknowledged that you never waxed above the brow line. Startled and vaguely frowny, but if you run into me on the street, please come up and say high, as I am actually very friendly (and not strung out). Oh well. It's a step up from Groucho, and that's all that counts.


Sherriff said...

There is no step up from Groucho. He is the pinnacle of all things wonderful.

Still top marx Chico, for such high brow language as "follicular calligraphy". I won't Harp On for much longer.


eleanor bloom said...

Indeed, 'follicular calligraphy' won points from me too. Better than 'hirsute hieroglyphs' or the like.

I would come up and say hi(gh)! (Freudian slip there methinks but quite apt.)

Perhaps you are now, being follicularly frowny and all, more suited to 'Grumpy'? ;)

Anonymous said...

That whole "never wax above the eyebrows" mantra is a myth perpetrated by Cosmopolitan. Above the brow is all systems go, I've heard.

I applaud your eyebrow adventure! I'm much too scared to let anyone with wax near my face...

Anonymous said...

I've only ever gotten my eyebrows waxed once. I shouldn't be shy about it though. After all, I've let people pour hot wax on my crotch. I figure that's the final frontier.

Femikneesm said...

I love the eye brow wax. It's so relaxing and indulgent (plus my eye brow waxer is very attractive -always a bonus when you are in such close proximity). I get above the brow waxed every time - perhaps gill is right about Cosmpolitan?