Tuesday, June 5, 2007


You might have noticed the schmalzy new colour scheme. Don't worry, it won't be around for long - just until I teach myself enough HTML to really, as the kids say, 'pimp' this site. Or until I bribe the magazine's tech guy to do it for me, either way.

Also, because I have done an absolutely crap job of protecting my anonymity (by making references to where I live and who I know, and by linking to an article with my full name and place of employment written at the bottom), I figured I might as well go the whole hog and put a photo up as well*. Where I look oddly pink (to match the new paint, dahlink). Internet stalkers, do your worst.

*This was taken at Is Not Magazine's spectacularly awesome two-year birthday bash on Saturday night. (Is Not Magazine is a wonderful institution, and you should go visit its site and donate some money. Also, the editors are all pretty and they smell nice, and are all upstanding citizens, and I am not just saying that because I may or may not have an article published in the upcoming edition. Hi, Is Not! Love your work!) The theme was Golden Years, and yes, I am dressed as an old lady in that photo. The tram ride on the way over from Brunswick was awesome, with people giving me the discreet eye and trying to figure out whether I was in costume, insane, or just another hipster. And so the line between coolness and insanity draws ever thinner...

1 comment:

Cinema Minima said...

I recommend staying anonymous, but it depends on how you use your blog I suppose.

And I don't see pink, I just see white. Call that tech guy, stat!