Saturday, June 23, 2007

Three o'clock again, again.

It's three o'clock in the morning again. Again, again, again. I'm beginning to wonder whether my life isn't destined to be a series of three o'clocks. Right now I'm eating dark chocolate and listening to Nina Simone. At two o'clock I was crying. At two-thirty I poured myself another gin.

I'd like to blame this aimless melancholy on the cold, or the drugs, but it seems to be a function of being awake - endlessly awake - and alone, huddled in the cold of a single bedroom. Still restless, still antsy, still sick, still tired, but hey, at least I'm repeating myself. Staring at the ceiling at the peak of night. Seeing in another tepid dawn. Nina is telling me to break down and let it all out, and it seems like good advice.

Outside the window the air is frigid and I guess things could be worse. But Christ, if I have to see in another fucking dawn...

Not in an existential sense, of course. I can put up with day in, day out, but it's the prospect of watching the sky choke up with colour that makes me want to run and scream and groan. No rest for the wicked, I suppose. No rest for the rest of us. Tomorrow is an early start, and that start is inching nearer. And every time I blink, it's only to open my eyes.

It's three o'clock in the morning, and I think I'm losing my mind.


Tim Norton said...

May I suggest the downloading of whole TV series? Watching the entire 6 series of The West Wing certainly kills some time...

Jess said...

Oh! I'm trying to look all technologically un-retarded with this whole having of a blog thing, but really I'm a luddite and that never would have occured to me.

God bless the internet. And thanks for the suggestion! I might have to dowload seasons one through five first, though...

Pusia said...

I liked your original ending to that entry.

HELP ME WITH THIS ARTICLE. I'm working myself up too much. I think I should just write it again...

Hi Tim!! Wow, medianerd call-outs through blogs.

Anonymous said...

May I suggest downloading the entire series of Law and Order Special Victims Unit? Then burning them onto CDs for me? Then coming over and watching them all in a row?

Hope you're having fun in B-ron. Melbourne is excruciating at the moment (I'll send a real e-mail for updates...)

4 comments, HUZZAH!