Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I've been a bit obsessed with lolcat grammar recently. I don't know why, but it is driving me up the wall that I cannot find a consistent syntax anywhere on the internet. Surely someone has parsed this, right? I read a fairly cute, but frustratingly brief discussion here, by way of this site, but it's not really hitting the spot.

In any case, I think the argument of a "kitty pidgin" is fundamentally missing the point, in that people aren't trying to emulate some sort of spoken cat English but rather are wilfully and consistently distorting basic syntax into new, winkingly-self-referential linguistic tropes. Hay guyz! I'm in ur sociolonguistics, making the wrong grammars! Oh noes!

I don't have the time, the training or the patience to parse and analyse this, so if there's a linguist in the hizz-ouse who's looking for a side project? Lolcat Linguistics, buddy. It's all urs.

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