Thursday, May 24, 2007

Thursday night lights.

I'm alone in the office, slightly tipsy after drinks with co-workers, playing music from Jono's computer, typing on Gill's, and wearing a jumper Seb brought back from Hong Kong that says "Listen Flavour - whole lotta love and a little bit of insanity" on the front above a print of a can of soup and is far too big. I'm wearing Seb's jumper because I managed to spill a Tupperware container of pear crumble down the front of my jacket. Oh well. It needed a clean anyway.

There's something really nice about being back here late. If I turn the music off it is overwhelmingly still, with only the hum of fluorescent lighting to keep things moving along. The campus is near-deserted, the bar has closed, the air is cold and dark and clear. Fairly soon the cleaning staff will start vacuuming outside the office. The security guard will pop his head in and make a few jokes before continuing on his rounds. We're complicit in this game of being here after dark. It's a kind of hide and seek around the building, a few of us squirelled away in our respective offices for the night staff to find.

I'm contemplating curling up on the little orange couch for a nap before finishing the article I am supposed to be writing. Wedged against the filing cabinet I might even be comfortable. Theoretically, I could just go home and finish up there, but as soon as there's the option of dozing on the couch in front of Law and Order: SVU, I'm gone. Actually, that sounds like a pretty good plan...

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