So finally, finally we've sent the magazine to the printers. No more coming in to the office on the weekend. No more freaking out over late content or wrongly-formatted illustrations or chasing ad artwork and getting nowhere. Hooray! We can all breathe out.
We have the proofs lying over a chair in the office as I type. They are beautiful. By next week they will be bound up into magazines, ready to send to boutiques and bookshops, so they can be sold to real live people who will read them and hopefully like them.
I can't believe that Jelly and I sitting around drinking gin and saying "you know, we should really make a fashion magazine" has eventuated in... a fashion magazine. I'm still not sure that we can afford to do this but it seems like we're doing it anyway. We're going to try to get the website up in the next week or so, with a bit of content and contributor bios and the like, so you should go check that out. By the way, when I say "fashion magazine", I don't mean something you won't enjoy, you nerdy, hyperliterate reader, you. We've got heaps of good stuff, like an etymology of jeans, an analysis of op-shop economics and a reflection on fashion's place in a post-surrealist art world. And lots of pretty pictures. And some hot design. And its all by hot young Melbournites, too.
You should definately buy a copy, but you should also come to our launch party and have some free beer, and watch me become a happy goopy mess without the girdle of stress pinching at my waist. Or something. Propping me up? I don't know. All I know is that I am so, so relieved to have this thing out of my hands.
Thus endeth the pimping. Oh, and also I landed an internship this morning that I'm pretty pleased about, so I have many a reason to celebrate. Let the period of stress be gone! Let the drinking begin!
Actually, I wouldn't mind a gin right now. Anyone? Bueller?... Bueller?
Congrats on getting the mag out, it's an awesome achievement. (I too think proofs hanging over desks is sexy.) I'll definitely come along to the launch. X
Many nights of drinking ahead...
Dude, you know, Helen and I are happy to share responsibility and be co-bestfriend, but really, SOME GIVE AND TAKE PLEASE?
What internship? Am I retarded?
*Pouts in Warsaw*
*Eats a biscuit*
Congratulations on your new mag!! I discovered it in Magnation two days ago and I'm a fan! Looking forward to Issue 2.
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