Monday, November 19, 2007

Hot hot heat

My word, it is hot at the moment. Somehow without my even noticing it the weather's steamed up to a consistent 30 degrees plus. I guess this means summer has started.

I never used to be a summer person, and autumn is still my favourite season (do you have a favourite season? you're missing out if you don't), but this balminess is novel enough to be extremely pleasant. It was far too hot the other night to cook so I had a ten pm dinner of smoked oysters, crackers and gin on the front porch. Its easy to lose track of the hours out there, whiling away time immersed in novels and eating icy poles and swatting away bugs. Sometimes hot summer rain falls in sheets and sizzles on the footpath and the whole street has a Belinda Carlisle moment.

I'm in a funny situation at the moment where I am still getting paid but no longer have to work, so I'm having just about the laziest summer holiday on record. I spent all of today lying under the fan in Jelly's apartment, drinking beer and watching Press Gang. It was a nice way to wind up the working year, although life at the Farrago office didn't involve as many hostage situations, actual news stories or unresolved sexual tension as at the Junior Gazette. Still. It's something for next years' editors to work on.


Unknown said...

I say a resounding YES to everything you've just said, especially the bit about unresolved sexual tension in the orifice.

I need excitement, even if it needs to be vicariously derived from the kids of 08.

Unknown said...

Autumn is definitely the greatest, although winter is growing on me. Summer is just ... I find it exhausting. I don't want to do anything, my body feels like a misshapen sack of butter, and there's the occasional sunburn to make me feel like a twat.

I need to watch Press Gang. It turns out that YOU have the DVDs now, eh?!?! Well, I'll watch it eventually.

Also, both of you, where would the unresolved sexual tension in the Farrago 08 office come from? They're such a nice, wholesome bunch.

Anonymous said...

The subs aren't.

Unknown said...

No, we ... er, they ... really aren't. That may be the solution to the conundrum of how to maintain a healthy level of iniquity in the Farragoverse.

eleanor bloom said...

Oh, autumn is my favourite too. But I must say this post is really selling me on summer now. That's the way to do it!

Anonymous said...

I heart summer- though autumn is pretty.

I shall come introduce myself once uni resumes, if you'd like. I'm somewhat reluctant to skulk in interweb shadows for an extended period of time...