Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ouch, part infinity.

Jesus Christ, can this year just be over? I don't think my liver can handle it anymore. I ended up leaving a party graced by my favourite Adelaide-dwelling people last night because my body just would not cooperate. And they're back to the city of churches tomorrow. Damn.

This morning, of course, hit me like a tonne of gift-wrapped gifts and I ended up lying very still in bed all morning until the room stopped spinning, then shuffled to the milk bar at three to indulge my craving for a white-trash breakfast. Lesson learned - from now on we will stock emergency cans of tinned spaghetti and a bag of liquorice alongside our more prosaic groceries. Oh God, the pain.

It's not even that I drank particularly much last night - or "binge drank", as the kids seem to be saying - more that a couple of weeks of accumulated liver abuse coalesced into one critical-mass style hangover. Can that happen? Apparently it can. I think the woman at the corner store thinks I lead a rather dissolute lifestyle, as she was full of matronly concern when I walked in looking anaemic and dressed like an Olsen twin by way of the Prada A/W collection from a few years back (ie. homeless but in rich, secondary tones). Plus, she probably thinks that all I ever eat is liquorice, flour, and tinned goods. If only either of those assumptions were further from the truth.


Unknown said...

I can just imagine you superstylin' into your local supermarket, clad in your gladrags, stocking up on the essentials: smoked oysters, tinned spag, baking goods and allsorts.

I salute you.

Pusia said...

Canned smoked oysters are the best example of 'things-that-sounded-like-a-good-idea-but...'.

Jess said...

Oh no, Pusia! I don't think I'd have gotten through yesterday without them. Mmm, zinc-y little nuggets of well-being...

Anonymous said...

My liver challenges your liver to a duel.

Pusia said...

Nonsense. I think you are ridiculous and should be committed immediately.