Monday, October 8, 2007

Reviews, in haiku form

Christopher Walken:
oh, how my heart leaps for your
suave and sprightly form.

The End of Mr Y
Physics, Derrida
and really kinky sex: this
is my kind of book.

Wants to have it all -
quirky lead, hot babe, Zen - but
Life sucks Buddha's balls.

Blue Velvet
Helen made me watch
as Frank beat poor Dorothy.
A young Kyle's cute, though.

John Thomas and Lady Jane
Not finished yet, but
I'm getting there. Lawrence is
kind of a prick, hey?

Soko - 'I'll kill her'
Revenge fantasies
sound so goddamn whimsical
with a French accent.

The Sex Mook
Okay, a blatant
plug for small and brainy press.
What? It's a good read.


Unknown said...

Ha! Love it!

Now that is something we should have incorporated in Farrago...(ah, the glory days).ym

Tim Norton said...

Tooooooo much time, Jess.

Unknown said...

What? No, I have so little time that everything I do is condensed into haiku form, Tim. Veeeeeeeery busy woman...