Monday, October 29, 2007

Sleepy weekend

All this week I've been struggling with a cold, and this weekend my body finally gave out. To wit: Friday night I came home, took a three-hour nap, ate dinner, went to sleep. Saturday I woke late, read the papers, had breakfast, read a novel, fell asleep. Sunday I napped all day before meeting Jelly for Mexican food and porch-drinking good times. Er, business meeting. I met Jelly for a business meeting.

Anyway, it was a rather delightful change of pace, given that I rarely get to bed before 2am on a good night and regularly go through bouts of gruelling awakeness. Reading in bed was particularly nice - propped up on cushions, cup of tea in hand, halfway through The Picture of Dorian Grey before snuggling down a bit and passing out completely. And that halfway in-denial feeling of just closing your eyes for ten minutes, knowing full well you are dedicating precious weekend moments to somnabulent bliss.

It was rather a rude shock to get up today and go to work, but it was nice to be able to do so without the aid of pseudoephedrine and gallons of coffee. So this is what 'well-rested' feels like. Bloody hell, well now that I know...


Unknown said...

I like the way we do business.

'Cos, you know, we mean serious business.

Jess said...

Of course. Serious, serious business.